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Natural Awakenings Central New Jersey


The Great Nature Gym: Outdoor Workouts Make the Most of Summer

Jun 30, 2022 09:30AM ● By Carrie Jackson
Person working out with ropes on sandy beach


Summer is the prime time to skip the gym and exercise in the fresh air. Studies show that outdoor workouts improve mental well-being and result in greater feelings of revitalization, increased energy and positive engagement. Exercising in nature can reduce stress levels even more than being indoors and can make a workout seem easier. 

Many outdoor activities are free or low-cost, can be done solo or in groups and are easily worked into a schedule. From a simple walk in the park to an organized club meet-up, there’s no shortage of options to get the heart pumping.

Outdoor Safety

There are a few factors to keep in mind when moving an exercise routine outside. Be sure to drink plenty of water, as the warmer temperatures can cause increased sweating and dehydration during exertion. Products like hydration packs provide an insulated way to easily carry water hands-free during a workout. While some exposure to vitamin D is beneficial, sun protection is essential as harmful UV rays can cause the skin to burn and lead to melanoma. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using a waterproof, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapplying it every two hours. UVA rays can also lead to cataracts, macular degeneration and pterygium (a benign growth called “surfer’s eye”), so wear sunglasses that have UV protection.


An easy activity that can be done almost anywhere, walking requires only a pair of supportive shoes and a bit of wanderlust. It is a great introduction for people looking to get started with a fitness program. Relatively low-impact, it can ease joint pain, help reduce stress, improve sleep and boost the immune system. Research suggests that distance is more important than speed for health benefits, so add a leisurely stroll to a daytime routine.


As a weight-bearing exercise, running helps build strong bones and protects against osteoporosis. Over time, it can also reduce the risk of heart disease and lower the resting heart rate. Long- distance running is stellar for cardiovascular endurance, while sprinting is a quick way to jumpstart weight loss. Running clubs all over the country can help newcomers find inspiration, camaraderie and motivation when the couch is calling.


Cycling is easy on the joints, can help improve balance and is a great low-impact cardio workout. Biking can be done solo or in groups and is a great option for families, as even little kids can ride along. Many cities have bike-friendly street lanes, allow bikes on public transportation and have rental bikes such as Divvy available for short-term rides.


Classes in yoga and Pilates, traditionally done indoors, can be moved outside when the weather is nice. Practicing in the open air means breathing in higher quality oxygen while practicing deep breathing or moving through asanas. The ambient warmth allows soft tissue to relax more, making deeper poses more accessible. Plus, it’s just more relaxing to practice outside, and taking in the surroundings will heighten a mindfulness practice.

Water Sports

Canoeing, kayaking and paddleboarding can be done on any kind of open water, including lakes, ponds and rivers. These activities strengthen the upper body as well, and water itself can have a calming effect. Take a class or rent a boat for an afternoon paddle, either alone or with friends.


Popular in the 1990s, rollerblading is again having a heyday. Online skate manufacturer Rollerblade saw a 300 percent increase in sales at the start of the pandemic, as consumers looked for creative ways to get around outside. Rollerblading helps build endurance in a wide range of muscles, including upper legs, hips, back and glutes. It can improve balance, is easy on the joints and is just plain fun. Invest in a set of protective gear such as a helmet, wrist guards and kneepads to ensure safety.

Urban Fitness

To create workouts in the city, run up and down a hill or set of stairs, then find a nearby playground and do pull-ups on the monkey bars, tricep dips on a park bench and other bodyweight exercises. Or, grab a few friends and create a high-intensity interval training circuit in the park. Change up the routine and location to keep it fresh and fun.

Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. 

Tick Talk

Spring officially sprung on March 21. We have turned our clocks ahead. We are looking forward to warm winds, sunny skies and the smell of fresh cut grass. The daffodils and tulips have recently bloomed and we are just starting with the yard work that comes with the warmer weather.  Sadly, another season has started ramping up.  Tick season.

•             The best form of protection is prevention. Educating oneself about tick activity and how our behaviors overlap with tick habitats is the first step.

•             According to the NJ DOH, in 2022 Hunterdon County led the state with a Lyme disease incidence rate of 426 cases per 100,000 people. The fact is ticks spend approximately 90% of their lives not on a host but aggressively searching for one, molting to their next stage or over-wintering. This is why a tick remediation program should be implemented on school grounds where NJ DOH deems high risk for tick exposure and subsequent attachment to human hosts.

•             Governor Murphy has signed a bill that mandates tick education in NJ public schools. See this for the details.  Tick education must now be incorporated into K-12 school curriculum. See link:

•             May is a great month to remind the public that tick activity is in full swing. In New Jersey, there are many tickborne diseases that affect residents, including Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, Powassan, and Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiosis.

•             For years, the focus has mainly been about protecting ourselves from Lyme disease. But other tick-borne diseases are on the rise in Central Jersey. An increase of incidence of Babesia and Anaplasma are sidelining people too. These two pathogens are scary because they effect our blood cells. Babesia affects the red blood cells and Anaplasma effects the white blood cells.

•             Ticks can be infected with more than one pathogen. When you contract Lyme it is possible to contract more than just that one disease. This is called a co-infection. It is super important to pay attention to your symptoms. See link.

A good resource from the State:


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