Breaking the Bounds of One Corner
Aug 30, 2021 01:19PM ● By Jared Zornitzer
This is one corner on one planet in a corner of one galaxy… and there is so much to see. ~Eleventh Doctor
I found this quote engraved on a metal sign in an art store in Asheville, North Carolina. At first, I was drawn to the artwork by the image on its front: a tent under a starry sky. When I see it, I imagine myself in that tent, at peace in the wilderness. As I inspected the piece further, I realized that it had this quote emblazoned on its sides. I was immediately struck by its boldness and found the quote almost counterintuitive.
I think that my initial wonder was because I expected the word “yet” to follow the ellipsis. As if our life and relatively small circle of relationships and experiences are not enough. The author’s audacious omission of “yet” resonated with me because I feel that we instinctively seek more than what we already have.
As the quote reverberated through my mind, my thought process shifted to viewing our corner of the world in a more positive light. We are often swept away by worries and stress, but this quote beckons its reader to return to the moment and be appreciative for the beauties and gifts around them. I am someone who acknowledges the importance of living in the present, but sometimes struggles to do so (as we all do). School and the pressure to succeed to get a good job can make me forget about the staples of my life which are more significant. The author eloquently illuminates the importance of putting things in perspective.
On top of serving as a reminder to appreciate the things that I do have, this quote embodies characteristics that I value and would like to emulate. First, being adventurous. On Earth we are gifted with oceans, mountains, deserts, and jungles; all of which are only part of our vibrant natural environment. Our species has built unique civilizations that we can visit across the globe. There is so much out there for us to see. The more of the world that we see, the broader our perspective will be, and we will lead a life well lived.
In a similar vein, this quote inspires its reader to be curious. Accumulate as many different experiences as possible, no matter how strange or inconsequential they might seem at first. This can range from trying out a new hobby to tasting a type of food that we thought we might not like. We all know the feeling when our heart’s desire clashes with what our mind tells us is “right.” Pursue your callings and find the satisfaction of new perspectives, skills or knowledge.
Finally, embrace your life with a grateful heart. It is natural for this gratefulness to drift in and out of focus. Make conscious efforts to cherish the essence of life: a chance to enjoy the people and places around us.
Jared Zornitzer is a full-time college student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY studying engineering. An advocate of balancing work and school with exercise and healthy living, he loves hiking, biking, running, cooking, spending time with family and friends, and learning in his classes.