Hypnosis for Stress

Everyone feels stress occasionally. It manifests itself in many ways but we all know it when we feel it. Given all the culturally-induced stress factors in our lives (pressures to succeed, make money, lose weight, be good looking, do more, buy more), it’s no wonder so many of us are stressed out. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as much as 90% of all illness and disease is stress-related, and the presence of stress will make any illness worse. High stress levels are linked to heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and suicides. Stress contributes to substance abuse, depression, absenteeism, poor concentration, and decreased productivity.
Not all stress is bad, however. A certain amount can be beneficial, motivating us in healthy ways to perform quickly and competently, build our confidence, and produce creative solutions to problems.
Hypnosis can help us recognize the internal and external sources of our stress, and identify what can change. Additionally, it can be used to help develop coping mechanisms so that when stressful situations arise, we are equipped to face them in appropriately. At Hypnosic Counseling Center, we will work with you to design a stress-reduction plan that is unique to you, recognizing and avoiding old patterns of response. Through using the tools of hypnosis, a freer, more enjoyable life, and healthier existence is possible.
Locations in Flemington, Livingston and Princeton. For information call 908-303-7767 and visit HypnosisCounselingCenter.com. See ad, page 9.
Hypnosis Counseling Center
Over 35 years of experience. We offer traditional counseling methods and the art of hypnotherapy in private and group settings, in person or virtual, for weight loss, stress, smoking, co... Read More »