Acupuncture Works Center Introduces Light Therapies
Jan 12, 2025 01:02PM ● By Jerome Bilaos
Looking for a non-invasive modality to improve health and look younger? Acupuncture Works Center is now offering Infrared Crystal Mat therapy and Red Light/Spectral Light Therapy. These are not only used for pain but also for facial rejuvenation, increasing energy and vitality, stimulating hair growth, reducing inflammation and much more.
Shares founder Kristin Dudley, L.Ac and herbalist, “In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), light is thought to move qi and directly enter the channels. There are several studies that have used Red/NIR light on meridian/acupuncture points and shown very exciting and positive results. Light therapy brings blood and qi to that area and has been shown to have similar effects as needling.”
Clinical case studies and references have been published through PUBMED and other health sources that can now provide information on how Red Light/Infrared Therapy can be beneficial. Red and near-infrared light therapy are one of the biggest breakthroughs in health in the last half century, as well as being cost effective.
Location: 84 Park Ave., Ste. G-103C, Flemington. For more information, call 973-979-1652 or email [email protected]. Visit See ad, page 17.